The Global Goals in Neuromarts+

Neuromarts is committed to raising awareness and promoting change for global goals. In the month of January, we are focusing on the fourth global goal of education through writing articles, promoting globalflutter messages around this goal, and launching our Higher Ground E-learning.
What is Global Goals & who leads it.
The United Nations is an international organization made up of 193 countries that work to maintain peace, justice, and security and charged with facilitating the 2030 Globalgoals. The United Nations is committed to achieving 17 global goals before 2030. These goals strive towards improving the living conditions of underserved communities and creating a better future for humanity by 2030. As of now, 193 countries have committed to these goals.
The fourth of these 17 goals states, “ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4 calls for “inclusive and quality education for all”. Persons with a disability are among the population groups most likely to suffer from exclusion from education, but data that permit an analysis of the links between disability and education remain scarce (, 4).
The United Nations wants to achieve inclusive education for every person by 2030 and has created ten targets aimed at achieving this. Some of the goals include target 4.1, aiming to ensure children get a free, equitable, and quality primary and secondary education learning experience. Target 4.3 and 4.4 aims to provide there is equal access to people in regards to technical, vocational, and higher education and support the need for teaching relevant and vocational skills needed in the workplace. Target 4.5 endorses an end to discrimination within the educational system and aims to provide equal access to all levels of education to vulnerable and disadvantaged communities. Finally, target 4. strives to upgrade educational facilities to provide a more inclusive and safe learning environment for students with differences, whether neurological or physical.
Neuromarts is committed to raising awareness and promoting change for global goals and promoting it as global citizens. The Neurocrew & members are hyperfocused, vested, and passionate about achieving these 17 Global Goals and strives to improve the living conditions of underserved communities and create a better future for humanity by 2030. These goals include ending poverty, ending hunger, increasing access to quality education, gender equality, and increased access to clean water.
Globalflutter each month invites you to forward us original art, original music, and globalflutter messages. Each month has a theme with January being education.
Submit your messages, music and art by emailing ( Don’t forget to include your location, #globalgoals and #globalflutter to your pictures or within the body of the email)
If you want to be a collaborator or contributor to Neuromarts Newsletter, Courses, or Events, please get in touch with Ben VanHook at
Happy New Year, and here’s to creating a more inclusive, accessible, and sustainable world!
Education and Disability: Analysis of Data from 49 Countries, 2018.